Welcome to

Aspire Ministry

Who We Are

Aspire ministry was born from a divine mandate to publish the Word of God and to connect men to God, encouraging a closer walk with the Lord Jesus while calling the world’s attention to His imminent second coming.

The ministry teaches undiluted word of God from the perspective of the divine demand for holiness and righteousness from all men.

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Our objective is to…


the pursuit of God through a life of Faith in Jesus


men to learn the truth about God and seek Him through His Word.


the spread of the Goodnews of God. God wants everyone to hear His Word and be saved; and Aspire Ministry supports the global spread of this word of salvation and deliverance.


the hearts of men through the Holy Spirit inspired word of God. All Scripture is divine, and it holds the power to transform our hearts and our circumstances when we declare His word with faith.

Quote of the Week

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

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