The Life of David

There are so many good qualities we can emulate from the life of the great King David. He had great faith in God and waited for God to fulfill his promises. On several occasions he had the golden opportunity to help God fulfill his prophecies for his life but he shunned this temptation and waited patiently for God’s plan.

He held himself back from killing Saul on several occasions because he knew Saul was anointed by God and believed only God had the right to remove him. Are we helping God to fulfill his plans for our lives or holding on in faith believing that God ultimately holds the ace in life?

Even when Saul died David mourned genuinely because he saw the positive side of Saul. He did not shed crocodile tears neither did he seek revenge. The book of 1 Samuel tells of David’s struggles as he waited to become King of Israel. As an outlaw away from Saul his chances of becoming King as the years rolled by became bleak but in 2 Samuel 5:3-5 David was finally crowned King over Israel and the promise of God to him was fulfilled.

How glad David must have been to see his patience , persistence and struggles rewarded. In fact David’s Kingdom over the house of Judah would reign for over 400 years. God is a promise keeping and faithful God. David possibly wondered about when the prophecies of God having him King would come to pass but his struggles prepared him for the great responsibilities he would later face. Many leaders today fall flat in the face of pressure because they were not patient enough in the school of divine preparation.

Although David had his weaknesses like every other man but you could not fault him that he genuinely sought and loved God by heart. Before taking critical decisions he never neglected the counsel of God.

Most importantly, he was clear about his life’s objective as a King and he pursued them vigorously :

  • His first task was to subdue the enemies of Israel- a task neglected by the nation on entering the promise-land
  • Unify the kingdom of Judah and Israel
  • Prepare for building the temple to unify religion under Jehovah to help abolish idolatrous influences.

The question is do you have a clear objective for your life ? If you do how persistent and focus are you with your life’s objectives ?

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