Weighing Our Actions on the Scale of Posterity

Unlike men who think about the here and now, God thinks in terms of generations, a much longer view. (Genesis 9.12). Knowing this fact, we then ought to have the habit of weighing our decisions and actions on the scale of posterity.

The Scripture abounds with the story of men who gained fame or notoriety that reverberated with blessings or curses on future generations.

Despite the many sins of the descendants of David they were often spared the rod of punishment (1 Kg 15:4.) because of God’s promise to reward David’s lineage with an eternal Kingship on earth that would finally be fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

On the contrary Jeroboam who God chose to lead a break way kingdom of Israel was so drenched with evil that he earned God’s anger along with a promise to have his descendants obliterated from the earth. (1 Kg 15: 29-30.) His actions therefore put his unborn generation in jeopardy.

Are your actions and options always for the short term or long term? Do you weigh the consequences of your actions in the light of posterity before carrying them out?

To reason and act in the light of posterity would require a life of discipline and purpose. Meaning every action would be taken not because they are convenient but rather with the understanding that all actions always impact the future.

Jesus knew this too well and the scripture ( Hebrews 5:8-10) has this to say about how he weighed his actions in the light of posterity and eternity :

“Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from what He suffered. And having been made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him and was designated by God as high priest in the order of Melchizedek.” Here we see how Jesus acted with a long term view and we also see the corresponding result which reverberated through eternity.

In light of the above, it would be wise if we begin to evaluate all our actions not only in the light of the here and now and the immediate gains but also on the scale of posterity which offers a more deafening result. This would require that we dedicate our lives to purpose and discipline.

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