The “Limitation” of God

“And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint”

Luke 18:1

Few things can happen in a man’s life through God without man giving God the opportunity to act. Simply put, God needs man’s cooperation to work in his life, and without such cooperation, it is always difficult for God to help man- meaning God seldom overrules a man’s will in things concerning the affairs of his own life.

In Isaiah 1:18 and Rev. 3:20 we clearly see this principle of cooperation as an enabler of divine intervention.

If God does otherwise he would be overruling his own word and intention which are closely linked to the purpose for he which he made man who is an agent accountable for his actions and who would be judged in accordance with his desired choices.

But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.

Mathew 12:36

Psalm 82:6 further reinforces the position of a man as having a god-like responsibility over the affairs of his life. God himself testifying about man says:

“I have said, “You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High”.

So man being a god with a delegated authority therefore plays a huge role in the action and inaction of God in his life and in his environment. God can only act to the extent that man cooperated with Him.

The humble channel made available for man to enable divine intervention in his life and affairs is prayers. This being so, a wise man will pray without ceasing until his life is made complete and his desires met. This will take an unceasing effort.

The act of prayer is then an act of giving God “permission” to operate in a life and on behalf of that life. (Rev 3:20)

Therefore our prayerlesness limits God because a prayer less life settles fine with all things that repels God: sin, disobedience and unbelief.

May we receive the grace to begin to pray for all our heart desires- without ceasing, amen.

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