Calmness in Turbulence

Exodus 14:13

13 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.

It is in human nature to fret when things get out of hand because we love to be in control.

Psychologists say that one of the most common fears people have is that of losing control. Once we become uncertain of an outcome we begin to assume that the worst could happen and that something could definitely go wrong.

These pattern of fear is the root cause of depression, anxiety, stress even greed among many people and they continue to suffer from the consequences of lending their heart to this fear.

The fear of not being in control is the reason many believers quickly lose sight of God in spite of past victories given by Him. It is a notorious state of mind that must be constantly challenged with the word of God.

When the children of Israel got hemmed in between an advancing army of Egypt and a raging Red Sea they did what many people would do- they quickly forgot what God did for then in the past and what he has promised to do for them in the future.

They lost their calmness in the midst of turbulence and began to assume they had lost control of the situation. But we thank God for divine intervention that recorded for them one of the most spectacular victory the world has ever seen. It also serves as an inspiration that God will deliver His own people in-spite of the present turbulence.

The truth is that we were, and will never be control. God is the absolute ruler and he his the Governor of the universe. His control is so absolute that he is not unmindful of any situation no matter how insignificant we may think they are.

We see this absolute care of God in Matthew 10: 29-31: “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows”.

How do we maintain this much needed calmness in the face of turbulence in our boiling world today?

We need to constantly take our minds off the raging affairs of life and rededicate our heart to God. The heart is the seat of turbulence and we must constantly challenge it with the word of God.

The Psalmist offers an insight into this saying “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul. (Psalm 94:19)

The truth is that a life of faith in the midst of turbulence is never easy because challenging times will come and they are here, but the Lord commands that we should be anxious for nothing. (Philippians 4:6)

When David faced one of his many crises and he felt like breaking apart the Bible records that he encouraged himself in the Lord his God. (1 Samuel 30:16).

To live in faith and not in fear is to daily meditate on the word and promises of God. Also, we must regularly bring our fears before him, asking him for direction and guidance.

Above all, our commitment to the Lord must be renewed as we continually dedicate our lives to Him. As we do this, we will continue to experience a supernatural calmness when others are losing their head over the world’s present troubles.


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