God’s Sovereignty and Human Will

God’s Sovereignty is defined as His “absolute right to do all things according to his own good pleasure. He has absolute authority to govern the affairs of this earth and men. (Gen.14:18)

In comparison human will is defined as the faculty of the mind responsible for choice. It is the mechanism that selects among the various desires available to men.

In Deut. 30:19 we see an interaction of God’s will and human will: “ I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live”. Man was urged to choose that which is right.

From the above we see that God respects the will of man and will not overrule it. In other words the power of choice belongs to man.

We may then ask: if man has the right to choose can man by his power of choice frustrate the will of God?

To answer this question we would have to trace our reading back to the garden of Eden. When God first created man, He gave him the freedom of choice but one command: “ you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Gen. 2:17).

After violating the will of God in the garden man became spiritually dead. Here we see satan trying to frustrate the will of God for man and that’s why satan is called the enemy of our soul.

Once man was incited by Satan to violate the will of God man could no longer freely obey God even if he wanted to. In Romans 8: 7-8 men are described as naturally hostile toward God, and unable to submit to God’s will.

Essentially Satan had captured the will of man and all he could do thereafter was a tendency for evil and if God was to achieve his divine purpose of bringing men to redemption He would have to incite men back to Himself and this was to be done through his superior wisdom.

By an act of divine wisdom and love God’s sovereign will swung into action to reconcile men back to God as it was before his fall and to restore his will which was attuned to doing the will of God.

The will of God is to give back to man that which Satan stole from him and this could only be achieved through the redemptive work of Jesus and man’s willingness to accept this work of divine reconciliation.

This redemptive work centers around Jesus Christ. We read “ that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation”. 2 Cor.5:19

When men hear the message of reconciliation they are made alive by the Holy Spirit to unite their will to obey the Lord but they must have to choose to yield to this invitation of love and not harden their heart against God’s will.

To this effect the Bible encourages us not to harden our hearts to the Holy Spirit’s invitation to reconciliation and not to entertain unbelief. (Heb. 3:7)

Whenever God prepares a plan and an opportunity, it’s always the responsibility of men to act and to take advantage of such divine opportunities. To delay or deny such opportunities is to once again play into the hands of Satan the enemy of man’s soul.

Beloved, come to Jesus Christ today and be saved, and if you have wandered away from His divine will it’s never too late to come back to His will for your life.

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