And Perilous Times Shall Come

(II Tim. 3:1)

These are scary times indeed! However our consolation is that we are warned that they will continue to loom larger as signs of the end times ( 2 Tim 3:1).

In fact they are a signal of the beginning of the end and the Christian must respond to them with an informed decision and not with panic.

What is then expected of the Christian as these events continue to emerge in our own days? Should the Christian follow the rest of the world to tremble with fearful anticipation? No.

Jesus knows about the days we are living in and has a warning. In Mathew 24:33 Jesus says: “when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors!”.

In Mark 13:24- 31 we see a full description of what Jesus has to say about “all these things” which would signal the end of the ages and His coming back to establish a righteous government in the earth.

Therefore when we see our society manifest the symptoms of the end times (2 Timothy 3: 1-5) we must see it as an opportunity for to focus more on the love of God as we also deepen our obedience to God.

Bible tells us that there is no fear in love but (rather) perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment. “But he who fears has not been made perfect in love”. (I John 4:18).

What does 1 John 4:18 mean? We may ask ?

It refers to the believer who continually meditate and assimilate God’s love in their lives and share it with others. When we do this we banish fear of any future punishment that are predicted for those who do not believe in Jesus. God’s love in our lives gives us confidence that we are not saved to be punished but to be rescued for an eternal reward.

It is very important to establish this fact for the Christian because fear is associated with punishment. We have no reason to fear because our sins have been forgiven(even as we confess them).

Hence as the end times and it’s evil occurrences come upon the world the one who knows Christ in true fellowship lives for Him and obeys his word and does not need to fear future punishment.

When we are constantly harassed by the thoughts of the end times it means that we have not been made perfect in the love of God.

Remember that the person who experiences fear “has not been perfected in love.” It is only a continually growing relationship with Christ that can make us look forward to the future with joy while others are afraid of tribulations.

A great man of God once said: “ There are two things in the world one is fear, the other faith. One belongs to the devil; the other to God. Fear always brings bondage. There is however a place of perfect love in Christ where you are always casting out all fear, and you are living in a place of freedom”.

To enjoy a perfect walk in Christ devoid of fear we must daily cast out all sins in our lives. The presence of sin and disobedience robs us of our God given confidence to walk in love and confidence in perilous times.

Disobedience brings the fear of punishment and will therefore give the present dangers the powers they do not deserve in our lives. Therefore the admonition today is- as we walk in in obedience and the love of God nothing shall make us afraid.

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