Receiving Divine Strength from Waiting on the Lord

Isaiah 40:31: “But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.”

Many spiritual instructions in the Bible seem contrary to our natural ways of doing things but they always yield better dividend when we obey the instructions by faith.

There many examples in the Bible about people trusting God even though it did not make sense but each time they responded to God’s instruction by faith He gave them resounding victories. Abraham was an example of a man who waited on God and received many outstanding testimonies.

In today’s text however we shall focus on receiving strength from waiting on the Lord even when all our senses tell us that we are running behind schedule or that we need to get things done faster or move faster.

Now in some instances God gives us an urgent instruction to move even when we seem to be lagging behind his schedule (Deuteronomy 1:6) but more often it is in human nature to want things done quickly.

However it is in God’s nature to use seasons of waiting to prepare us for what’s coming, to draw us closer to Him, and to make sure His promises are fulfilled at the proper time. (Acts1:4)

In Lamentation 3:25 we read that the “The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him.” Therefore waiting on God is not an empty exercise in futility but about patiently seeking the Lord’s guidance in prayers and meditation before taking any action.

Those who wait on God understand that hearing from God on any issue at hand will save them from a thousand troubles.

Saul is a perfect example of an impatient leader who lost a Kingdom because he never learned how to wait on God for divine instruction. Once he flouted the divine instructions given to him in 1 Samuel 10:8, regrettably, he lost out in God’s scheme of things.

Moses however became a successful leader because he trusted less in his instincts but relied more on God so he had to learn to wait on God for divine direction. At a time when the children of Israel seem to be lagging behind schedule in their trip to the promised land he rather chose to seek God than hurry Israel into a dark journey.

In Exodus 33:13-15 we read Moses request to God thus: “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here” and God indeed answered his prayer by honoring Israel with his presence.

Now how do we receive strength by waiting on God while we wait for things to happen in our lives, and more so when we decide not to rely on our instincts but on God’s direction ?

We must understand that “those who wait for the Lord “ will gain new insights into what God has prepared for them and he will bring them into His perfect timing.

A preacher puts this in a clear perspective saying, “God’s timing is always perfect. God’s never early, never late, but always on time. Our timing isn’t God’s timing. For us, God’s timing often feels like a long, desperate delay.

Most importantly, as you seek God’s direction in your personal affairs you must also remember that you are also called to wait for the second coming of the Lord in purity and this promise is sure. (2 Peter Chapter 3).

Receive divine direction as you wait on God for his absolute perfect timing in your life in Jesus name, amen!


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