See your Challenges in the Light of God

1 Kg. 19: 1-11

The common condition of the mind of men is not to see problems in the light of God’s power but to look at God in the shadows of their problems. This is often the root cause of depression and defeats.

When we look inwards for solutions to our problems instead of looking up to God we would be soundly beaten before the challenge even starts, and this is the condition of many Christians.

Looking at challenges from the light of God’s power opens our eyes of understanding that God is a God who delivers from challenges. It always enables us to stand firm in the face of challenges, not looking at problems with despair but with a confidence that God is able. This is how great faith is born.

God speaking to Joshua on the need for him to only look at challenges in the light of God’s power said : “ Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9).

Again in Deuteronomy 31:6, Moses gave a charge to the children of Israel in the same context of looking at challenges in God’s light saying: “Be strong and bold; have no fear or dread of them, because it is the Lord your God who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you.”

So for us to be effective in this regard we must practice the presence of God and believe that he is always with us.

How do we practice the presence of God? Beyond our daily morning prayers we must keep in mind as we go about our tasks all day that God is with us. As a huge boost, the Holy Spirit dwells in us to make this task an effortless process if we ask him to help us.

In the same manner we too can begin to train our minds to look at our challenges in the light of God’s power and not in the shadows of our challenges which will only cast a spell of despair and depression over our lives.

Take a look at Elijah the great man of God, the moment he fell to the temptation of looking at himself in the shadow of his trouble and not in the light of God’s power as he often did he fell into depression.

Someone says depression will always makes us unable to see the facts as they are and this therefore makes it one of the most powerful weapon of the devil against our faith.

These are challenging times like never before therefore we need to revive our faith if we’re going to be stand at all. When we look at our challenges in the light of God we get a God perspective on such problems.

With God every challenge has a purpose and if we do not understand the God perspective in our situation we would miss out on the lesson such challenges would have taught us in due course.

God spoke to Abraham on the seemingly impossible situation of Sarah his wife saying “I will certainly return to you according to the time of life, and behold, Sarah your wife shall have a son.”

At this time Abraham knew God enough to trust him by situating Sarah’s barrenness in the light of God’s power and not ruminating over the situation until he could no longer believe God. He chose to believe God and he was also drawn into the purpose of this delay.

We need to understand the purpose of challenges in our lives by situating them in the light of God’s power and also by daily practicing the presence of God. After all Jesus has promised us of his eternal presence saying: “be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” ( Mathew 28:20)

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