Receiving Strength from Purpose

While he lived on earth Jesus had no doubt about who He was and was filled with the consciousness of a relationship with God who He called Father.

His actions and His words continually emphasized this filial relationship with God even in the face of threats from his traducers who often felt offended by His claim to divine authority by reason of his Sonship.

Without apologies to the undiscerning listeners Jesus said : “The Father and I are one.”(John 10:30)

Though human and often with the grave emotions humans feel Jesus never for once even in agony of a brutal death on the cross lost his consciousness of his special relationship with God.

Inspite of troubling human emotions which He also experienced, where did Jesus draw his strength of purpose from we may ask ? Simple: His consciousness of who He was and the consequent sense of purpose.

Throughout his sojourn on earth Jesus was aware of his own divine authority and mission and he magnified this consciousness more than the daily necessities of life which often weigh other men down.

While the disciples busied themselves with the necessity of life Jesus was point blank in his attitude to such necessities saying “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work”. (John 4:34)

He held firmly to his mission on earth and refused to be distracted by mundane considerations. He knew his mission was to announce the Kingdom of God.

Prophesying of his death and in preparation for it Jesus said : “This is My blood of the covenant, which is being poured out for many.” Mark 14:24. He did not allow the fear of death to paralyze his ministry. He knew the Father had sent him to serve and to give his life “for many”.

So the questions to us is are we filled with enough consciousness of the divine to a point of embarking on a single minded relationship with God? In these times of darkness , turbulence and uncertainties where are we drawing our strength from ?

Do we as Christians have a sense of divine purpose? Are we so filled with the affairs of life that we have lost our sense of kingdom mandate?

Jesus warned about the corrosive impact of worldly concerns on the fruitfulness of our walk with God while painting a picture of weakening resilience in the times of persecution or in times of worldly satisfactions and abundance. (Mark 4:17-19).

To remain focused and ready to do his bidding, the first thing to do is to constantly assess and reassess our identity in Christ.

The Bible admonishes us to this effect saying “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.” ( 2 Corinthians 13:5)

To overcome the daunting temptation of the hour we must know who we are in Christ and we must daily evaluate our stand with God in a honest communion in prayer and in His word, therefore translating our own words and actions to be one with the will of God on earth.


John 8:12-30

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