The Race of Life in Christ

Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

1 Timothy 4:7-8 NIV

The Bible in many places describe Christianity as a race, and if it’s indeed a race then we can be hindered by certain things from running the this race effectively. For example no one runs a race carrying a load.

What are the things that could hinder us from running effectively? Sin and worries. They have been described as weights and burdens that make the race difficult more-so the race of life in Christ has been likened to a marathon which requires endurance.

A marathon because Unlike an athletic competition, the race for the Christian lasts a lifetime. If you’re not dead yet, you aren’t finished yet.

If a marathon requires endurance then it will take Spartan discipline to succeed and such discipline or doctrine may in the interim appear inimical to our normal or preferred way of life outside the guidance of God.

This natural way of life is often called the flesh and it must be controlled by the power of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 9:25-27).

Why must we endure with discipline in this race? Just as the athlete disciplines and trains himself for earthly laurels the Bible makes us to understand that without such disciplined doctrines or training we too cannot produce fruits that lead to righteousness and ultimately victory in Christ.

To successfully run this race, we need the right information from the word of God- we must be correctly informed by the spirit of God to remain in form as spiritual athletes.

What are some of the information we need to stay focused as disciplined athletes?

1. Stay away from crooked paths (which are secret and pet sins) and run your race in a plain field to avoid spiritual injuries

2. The more you run in an open field the more the injuries sustained from running in crooked paths become healed and strong in Christ (Heb. 12:13)

3. Regularly train yourself to run with the word of faith and prayer.

4. Know that spiritual training are the only conditions for effective spiritual athleticism

5. Know that failing to run effectively may rob us of what rightly belongs to us in Christ

6. For our race in Christ to be profitable we must engage in rigorous spiritual discipline that will keep our spirit lean and trimmed for a victorious race in Christ.


1 Corinthians 9:24-27

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