Chosen from the Wilderness

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us”. Romans 8:13

Sometimes the life of faith seems to be full of contradictions. What do we mean by this? By experience, faith contradicts logical reasoning, and to stretch this a bit further, no one can believe God for anything unless he undertakes this seemingly contradictory journey of faith.

In Hebrews 11:6 we are told emphatically “that without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find Him”.

Now, God gave us a reasoning and logical nature to thrive in the things that pertains to the flesh but this can be a stumbling block in the things that pertains to God.

For us to overcome logic and walk strongly in faith we must have an understanding to always distinguish between what is of the flesh and what is of the spirit because without this discernment we cannot be led so far in the spirit, and faith is spiritual, faith is a revelation.

John 3:6 says “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit”. There is a difference in a walk by logic and a walk by faith, one applies logic the other applies the simplicity of God’s promise to an “impossible” situation.

He simply believes that with God all things are possible.

What is the principle of faith that abhors logic?

Hebrews 11:1 says “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”.

When Thomas saw Jesus and believed, Jesus said to him that because he had seen him he believed instead of believing the testimony of the disciples who had seen Him the week before.

Jesus further declared to Thomas, blessed are those who have not seen and believe. Thomas wasn’t blessed by the reward of seeing the risen Lord in the flesh, but that all those who believed the promise of God were blessed by their faith in him.

We thank God that faith has a blessing and a reward. In Isaiah 45:19 God himself declares to this effect saying “ I did not say to the seed of Jacob, ‘Seek Me in vain’; I, the LORD, speak righteousness, I declare things that are right”.

God chose the instrument of faith in his unquestionable wisdom to lead his children into a wilderness of faith where champions are made, who go on from victory to victory against odds , earning victories over a very corrupt and hostile world.

And we have to quickly establish that no child of God is ever able to walk in victory (which is a divine standard) unless he applies the power of faith to his spiritual life, and this journey of faith will lead him away from the world into a wilderness experience where he must be taught by the Holy Spirit.

When everything around us contradicts everything that the word of God tells us, when everything seems like a long walk in the wilderness without water to quench our desires, then it is an invitation to a fight of faith.

This “dry walk “is not in vain but for a purpose because God wants to make our lives a living testimony to many others who must be brought into His Kingdom.

That’s why we are called “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light”. 1 Peter 2:9

Jacob, Moses, David and our Lord Jesus all had their share of the wilderness experience and further on to power and purpose.

With this at the back our mind we must have this understanding that the curriculum of our victory is etched from battles. No one is able to talk about victory unless he wins a battle.

Peter and Paul were able to encourage us to rejoice in our trials because they were in the frontline of the battle with the enemy.

It is in the trial that our calling is made perfect, it is in the trial that we earn our badges of honors, it is in the seemingly contradiction of faith against reason that we become overcomers.

Readings Hebrews 11.

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