The Glory of His Kingdom and Power

“They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom, And talk of Your power. To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, And the glorious majesty of His kingdom”. (Psalm 145:11-12)

One of the important duties of a Christian is to evangelize: not just to talk about God but to demonstrate through character the forceful power of God’s Kingdom, for God’s glory and there by bringing about the conversion and healing of the world.

Why is it important to talk about his Kingdom and His might?

A look around us show that many are perishing, many are backsliding, many are growing cold towards God and are ready to abandon Him for the world and sin due to pressures of life, but one testimony about the goodness of God towards men, one demonstration about how God has been faithful in our lives would prevent their fall.

We cannot afford to keep quiet or privatize the goodness of God to ourselves and family alone. To be sure, God continues to intervene and does wonderful things in the lives of his children till date and this must be made known.

Psalm 145:11-12 continues to be the driving factor of zealous evangelists who inspite of difficult circumstances continue to press forward the word and truth of God, making known the great truths of redemption to the ends of the earth.

Why proclaim the Kingdom? We must have the understanding that the call to proclaim His Kingdom and Power is an eternal call, from generation to generation and full with immediate and eternal blessings. ( Mark 10: 29-30).

Psalm 45:18 says “I will make your name known through all generations; thus the peoples will praise you forever and ever”. Why would the Psalmist be zealous to do this?

Because we have a special role to play in bringing all people to embrace the Kingdom of God in Christ: which is the ultimate goal of all history and all that we do for Christ should flow from this one single goal. (Ephesians 1:10).

The probing question is: does our action, lifestyle, thoughts and aspiration glorify God? Do we have a plan to tie our urgent series in prayer to the glory of God?

Do we ask from God to consume it for our selfish reasons? James says clearly that no one with a selfish purpose will receive blessings from God.

We should therefore re-examine our lives and our desires and tie them to the singular purpose of bringing the many sons and daughters of salvation to the Kingdom of God. Ask the Holy Spirit to put into your heart what you should do to this effect and He will be faithful to direct you.

Our response shall be like those of the men who after hearing Peter preach asked for direction saying “Men and brethren what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37)


Ephesian 1:1-14

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