Practicing the Presence of God in Difficult Times

Someone says it is human nature to resort to two things when we become overwhelmed with difficulties – to turn to despair and self- indulgence.

However it is the hallmark of a spiritual men to practice the presence of God when faced with challenges.

When tough times come, and they always would, the spiritual man is accustomed to communing with God and he knows there is never a best moment to deepen his walk with God through intense prayer- forsaking all that stands between him and God while seeking His help.

When faced with a difficult situation the people of Judah who indeed got into trouble because of disobedience did what a man who walks after the flesh would do- they told themselves, “ let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die”. Isaiah 22:13.

This is the attitude of many people who have resorted to many fleshly help to navigate many challenging situations without hope. They have given-in to depression as they continue to experiment with all sorts of self indulgence until their health fails.

This is not God’s will for his people. We need not respond to difficult times like we have no hope but to turn to God and his promises.

David was a man who perfected the art of taking his challenges to God and no wonder he never lost a battle as a war General.

In Psalm 61:2 he left us an example of taking it all to God when fear and depression knocks at our heart saying “ When My Heart Is Overwhelmed Lead Me To The Rock That Is Higher Than I”.

However, you cannot discover God’s promises and will for your life in challenging times if you do not get acquainted with his word?

In John 5:39 we read that we can only get acquainted with Jesus our burden bearer if only we would read his word in the holy scriptures:

“You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me”.

God isn’t a wicked God and He knows how difficult living in our world would be and He has provided hope and succor to all those who come to Jesus for help.

Those who are acquainted with Jesus know that He has warned them of the challenging times to come saying:

“ These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

As long as man continues to navigate his own affairs in these difficult and challenging world without recourse to God he can only encounter more troubles, more despair and depression.

The reason being that God is all knowing, he is everywhere- he is omnipresent and omniscience and he is the only one who can help us navigate the affairs of our lives safely through all storms.

The good news is that God is always waiting and ever ready to listen to us when we call on him for help. We see a divine invitation to help in Jeremiah 33:3 saying “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

If you want to know how you got into a mess and you seek to know how to get out and stay on course you should be ready today to call on Him who knows everything and that person is Jesus.

He will show you what you do not know and he will open your eyes to what you cannot see. Will you call on Jesus today?


Psalm 40

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