When Men are Cast Down

“When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person”. (Job 22:29).

God is love and he is always looking out to guide us and lead us to our best. For those who have chosen to walk with God, they must know how to wait on him, that He is always looking out for what is best for them.

Why does it seem like God delays and why must those who wait on him have to sometimes suffer disappointment?

Firstly, God will have to prepare the recipient of His blessings to make sure they become a most useful tool for such blessings. Most importantly he will have to prepare them in humility- a necessary condition for divine promotion.

James 4:6 tells that : “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”

Secondly God arranges our circumstances of blessings to make things happen at the very best time.

Therefore when we are in a hurry we miss out on the necessary discipline that comes before His blessings or we run ahead of Him before He is done with putting together the necessary circumstances that will bless us immensely.

As we wait on God to lead us on the pathway to His best, there maybe disappointments but be sure that such things are always leading to divine appointments.

It is always better to suffer the pain of patience than to suffer the agony of pain caused by inability to wait for God to act. (1 Samuel 13:13).

The Bible tells us about the sure reward that comes with waiting on him saying “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you “(1 Peter 5:10).

In Hebrews 12:6 we also read: “For the LORD disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.” (Hebrews 12:6).

When God was working out the best circumstances to bless the family of Jacob and to mold Joseph’s brother into humble and contrite men Jacob became familiar with the agony of waiting and these brothers also had to learn humility and how to watch out for themselves in love.

Before now the bothers were full of hate and envy to the extent that they contemplated the murder of their own brother, Joseph.

Even as God worked behind the scene, seeking to perform what is best for Jacob and his children as the famine bit harder, the coming together of necessary factors (as ordained by God) was so painful that Jacob became exceedingly downcast saying: ….” All these things are against me”. (Gen. 42:36).

But glory be to Him who ordained that when His own children seem to be cast down there shall be a lifting up and he will save the humble.

We all know how the story ended in praise for Jacob, Joseph and all his brothers even though the path to the palace was filled with fiery experiences. Ultimately God fulfilled his promises and the bothers became better persons.

It always pay to obey God and to submit to His leading. Like a great man of God said, yes, submitting to His leading may cost you some pain but it ultimately pays better dividends.

Always remember that God isn’t only interested in the dividend alone but also in building your character as He leads you towards your special treasures and ultimately to your own palace.


Genesis 42

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