The Calming Presence of Our Father

One thing always repeated in the Bible and directed to the children of God is that they should have an assurance of divine presence in the midst of challenges.

Now, God has never promised any of his children a turbulent free world, but he has offered his peace in the presence of turbulence to prevent us from being worn out by the terrible things we see and hear especially in this end times.

He has said: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world’. (John 16:33).

Also, talking of this present end time the bible gives a vivid account in Luke 21:26: ‘men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken’.

It is no news that the pandemic continues to shake our world like never seen.

Admittedly life is tough and not a child’s play. Like children of Israel, buffeted by challenging circumstances, we may often ask: ‘How shall we sing the LORD’S song in a strange land?’ (Psalm 137:4).

How would God give Israel an everlasting kingdom when they were slaves in a foreign land (2 Samuel 7:13)?

This is the picture of a nation once vibrant with power now buffeted to submission in exile; this narrative also defines the lives of many of God’s children who were once vibrant in business but now weakened by economic circumstances.

When men go through this dark times it is natural to forget about the promises of divine promotion. In those moments, we need, more than ever to believe and proclaim the word of God over our circumstances by reminding God to do for us what he did for Israel-liberating us from our shackles.

And indeed, the Lord still speaks, like He did to the children of Israel in captivity saying: “Behold your God” (Isaiah 40:9).

Zerubbabel was not fazed by the challenges life brought to him, but he was more interested in interrogating those challenges in the light of God’s word saying: ‘“What are you, mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground…’”.

The “mountain” here represents the various difficulties that stood in Zerubbabel’s way and tried to hinder him from carrying out of his divine assignment. (Zechariah 4:7).

In these present circumstances of the world, we need the word of God more than ever. The bible testifying of the immense power of God’s word says: “Is not my word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?’’ Jer. 23:29.

Circumstances break us down because we undermine the power of God in our situation and what it can do. If the word of God is like a hammer and fire then we had better start learning how to infuse that fire and hammer into challenging circumstances until they either melt or get broken into pieces.

One sure way to experience the calming presence of God during all these troubles would be to get into the useful habit of practicing the word of God- bringing the word into every circumstance no matter how small or big the circumstances are.

This is a deliberate consciousness of interrogating every situation in the light of God’s word and understanding that the word of God defies every opposition since it has the backing of the Spirit of God.

The bible says the word became flesh and dwelt with men (John 1;14) and now even in a more powerful dimension the word is now accomplished by the agent of God in the world, the blessed Holy Spirit.

Practicing God’s presence is therefore not an empty doctrine of rules and regulations but it’s about seeing our circumstances in the light of spiritual possibilities and using the word of God as a cover.

If the Lord has said “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6), why continue to act like a forsaken man during fearful circumstances?

Someone said that the promises of God often lose their power in our lives because God himself has become small in our eyes, therefore we quickly fall into despair and can no longer meditate on the fact that God is a conquering King, a loving Shepperd who cares for His sheep and keeps them safe.

Remember how Zerubbabel handled his own challenges differently.

Nothing gives a sense of calm than when we choose to rely on the word of God in every situation. Why is this so? Because the word of God is spirit, and the One who sends this word is true and faithful. We can take a winning chance on the word of God.

Talking of Jesus, (the word of God) the bible says: “…The words of the Amen (Jesus), the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation’. (Rev 3:14-19).

Beloved, as you take up the challenge and choose to proclaim the word of God over your circumstances without ceasing, you will indeed experience His calming presence which no other material influence can give, a perfect peace which delivers victory over every situation.

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way’, Amen! (2 Thess. 3:16).

Reading Isaiah 40.

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