The Big Question

“Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” John 21:15

When we walk with God we are often at our happiest when all our desires and prayer points are met. However when things don’t go out way or certain requests are unanswered we may begin to question God and even become disgruntled and draw back.

The disgruntlement is even more telling these days when the whole world is roaring with disappointments and uncertainties fueled by the pandemic and massive loss of financial opportunities.

Jesus asked Posed a question to Peter asking him if he loved him more than “these things”. Before then Jesus talking about “these things” (the distractions, pleasures and the pursuit of what is even legitimate) equally warned us saying :

“When THESE THINGS begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Luke 21:28.

In essence Jesus is warning that with these ominous signals that is upon the world comes the evidence that the honeymoon is over and the true test of our love for God is upon us when those who love God with conditions and those who love him more than this world will be revealed.

It is a time of separation of the chaff from the wheat.

These are the times of testing that will reveal of our real devotion to God. For the wheat, these upheavals that is upon the world comes the divine opportunity to remain faithful to God and shine even more brightly like a million stars.

These are the times prophesied in the books of Daniel saying: “ those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3).

And most importantly these are also the times when God cares about our spiritual and eternal life even as he cares about our temporal welfare in this present world.

Jesus directed the big question to Peter saying: “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these? (John 12:15).

The question posed to Peter asking if he loved Jesus more than these things is also upon for us. Jesus asked Peter this question 3 times with the aim of testing and calling to attention his spiritual state. It was a call to spiritual introspection and self examination.

This is what is required for all true followers of Jesus today. Do we love the Lord more than the pursuit of this world even if our pursuit were legitimate? Do we give attention to pursuit of success more than to the pursuit of Jesus?

To really love Jesus is much more than our answered prayers but more about loving and following him, trusting Him even in the midst of trials and strife of the present hour.

The question we should keep asking ourselves on daily basis as a barometer of our love for God is if we love the things of this word more than Jesus?

Where do we place our priorities and where, and on what do we focus our physical and spiritual energy? Serving God or pursuing these present world that would soon fizzle away?


John 21:1-17

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