A Strange Gospel and God’s Call for Repentance

God is a perfect God and he demands absolute obedience from His children.

However, because we live in a sinful world among a disobedient people we are constantly faced with a daily challenge to keep up with the holy demands of God.

Not only do we struggle we also rationalize many of our disobedient acts, while making excuses for them as well.

For example many have replaced the teaching of the Bible with modern beliefs which promote human ideas above faith in God- all in a bid to avoid accountability to a moral God.

Others take their leading from sensory perspective, from what they can see and touch, all in a bid to free men from being answerable to a holy God who demands holiness and faith in Christ.

These strange believers are not new, in the Bible we read about the Epicureans who believed that pleasure was the ultimate purpose in life. (Acts 17:18). Their offsprings and followers are still seen all over the world in our own days.

Epicureans lived and continue to live in such a way as to derive the greatest amount of pleasure possible during one’s lifetime.

Unfortunately the gospel of Epicureans continue to gain much grounds among millions as entertainment and pleasure seem to be god in many lives.

This gospel of self- indulgence continues to drive men away from their responsibilities towards a holy God.

In his days, in the midst of terrible depravity and consequent punishment meted out to the rebellious children of Israel Ezekiel had the privilege of seeing the vision of a holy God in absolute perfection.

Ezekiel’s vision ( Ezekiel Chapter 1) connotes a few things: God will not compromise his holy standards even if all men compromised with sin, God would punish sin and will not join men to make excuses for sin, we are all accountable to God and we must suffer the consequences of our actions.

Beloved, the end of all things is near when God, the righteous Judge will judge all things and hold men accountable to all their actions.

Apostle Paul addressing the Epicureans and Stoics said that God’s patience was far spent but He is now commanding all men to repent and know the true God.

By raising Jesus from dead He has given us a pointer to the judgement of all men dead and living in set time- not too far away from us.

Beloved, today you must rule out every excuse to justify why you continue in sin and turn to the perfect God who only is able to save and help us to live above sin.

Beyond the daily deception of riches and the love of self over the love of God, the Bible has a warning that is still valid today:

“God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad”. (Ecclesiastes 21:14).

Reading: Acts 17: 16-34

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