The Hallmark of Christian Integrity

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. (Titus 2:17)

What is a hallmark? It is a mark stamped on articles of gold, silver, or platinum by a recognized official certifying their standard of purity.

It validates the origin, purity, or genuineness of a product; it speaks to its authenticity and separates it from fake products or imitations.

Now how does this relate with a Christian walk with God? Christians are called to influence the world positively, to make disciples of all nations and if our calling would be effective then we would have to always stand for Christ in all our dealings.

What does Christ stand for in a falling world? He stands for the truth of God, for holiness, for purity and righteousness. These represents the hallmark of God.

The more a Christian stands for all that God represents the more significant the divine hallmark of Christ would be revealed in his life and ministry, and the more effective would be his witness to the truth of Christ and against the lies of Satan.

It is only when the world sees that a Christian is different and that he walks in opposition to its own ways that the world will have no choice but to trust his ministry of reconciliation to Jesus.

In fact without integrity a Christian cannot enjoy the best of God nor maximize his potentials. Lack of integrity in his walk with God will always pull back the hand of God to bless him.

Solomon is often referred to as the wisest and richest King whoever lived. However a prelude to God’s blessing upon his life was a call to walk in integrity, and as long as he did this the hallmark of God upon his kingdom was evident with its fame spreading to distant kingdoms.

On the contrary, and sadly so, the epilogue to the end of his Kingdom was a disaster because he walked away from what was supposed to be the secret of his massive success- to walk in the integrity of God.

The hallmark of God on his Kingdom was pulled away and it ended up a divided Kingdom starting with the reign of his son, Rehoboam.

Now, because we live in a fallen world our integrity will be tested at every turn but only those who closely walk with God, waiting on his word with a fervent heart desire to please him will pass the test of integrity and earn for themselves a temporal and eventually an eternal hallmark of God.

Where do we look to for encouragement? We must pay close attention to the great heroes of faith who walked this earth without blemish.

The Bible admonishes thus :

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us”.

Jesus Christ, the author of our salvation lived his life without a stain of sin on his reputation.

Job, Abraham , Daniel to mention a few all walked before God and received heavenly commendation for their uprightness even though they lived in a dispensation without the Holy Spirit to help them.

How much more we who live in a dispensation of Grace and the Holy Spirit? A dispensation where God continually extends His saving arm to the undeserving sinner.

A dispensation where God lowered the entry point into His kingdom by allowing his only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for our sins that we may be saved.

In this dispensation we have been given the Holy Spirit and we can call upon him to help us walk in integrity of purpose and righteousness- only if we are willing to ask Him for help today.

Reading: 1 Kings 9:1-9

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