The Advancing Power of Lawlessness and The Hour of Salvation

“Look to Me, and be saved, All you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other”. (Isaiah 45:22).

Why do many people feel always drained, hopeless and fearful? Why are so many depressed today?

Why is the world filled with so much violence and hate?

Simply, the world has abandoned God, the source of all peace and are feeding their minds with the wrong diet and from the wrong source.

Many of us feed from the social media and from the global entertainment industry and less and less from the word of God and then we wonder why we are always anxious and find no joy in our hearts.

The world continues to live in its own established truths and no longer in the eternal truth of God.

Depression has become a modern day disease and a public health crisis and no thanks to the changing pace of our society and unhealthy lifestyle driven by wrong choices and lifestyles that are far from being influenced by the word of God.

As the terms “being religious” and “prayerful”become increasingly less fashionable in the society (thanks to global media influencers) the more the world continues to drift toward moral anarchy.

Now these things are not without orchestration: they are being fast tracked by invincible evil spiritual forces who continue to gather momentum as the end time predicted in the Bible increasingly come upon us.

The Bible’s revelation about this fatal attraction to ungodliness at the end time is made clear in 2 Thessalonians 2:7-9:

“For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way”.

What does this verse mean to our discourse?

God is aware and has always been aware of the chaotic moral disorder of the world. He is also aware that evil things which were once done and spoken of in secret will continue to make open and bold claims in the public space , and in doing so will receive acceptability and applause among men.

This is the major indicator of the end time!

In a response to this dangerous situation God has made provision for salvation through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who continue to decry this evil movement toward chaos.

Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit would convict the world of sin and righteousness and judgment (John 16:8). This Holy Spirit is very much actively at work.

The Holy Spirit through the word of God and through many anointed pastors continue to warn men about the eternal consequences of sin, to ensure that many are saved, come to repentance and escape the advancing darkness of immorality in the world.

However, this window of opportunity will not last forever before the total darkness determined upon the world will engulf the society and the doorway of salvation will then become increasingly hard to access.

This will be made possible by the advancing power of darkness determined upon the world.

The delay in this overwhelming darkness where Satan will take absolute control and make salvation hard is being taken care of by the Holy Spirit who continues to impress the word of salvation in the hearts of men.

This is what is meant by the Hour of Salvation and this is the Hour.

But one day this Holy Spirt will be removed and those who love the Lord shall be raptured (1 Thessalonians 4:17) just before total moral crisis will engulf the earth through the man of lawlessness.

This man is the anti Christ who the Bible describes as the “man of sin” (2 Thessalonians 2:3–10) whose sinful influence is presently being felt in all aspect of human life as many continue to pay deaf ears to the things of God.

How do we then escape the destruction determined against the world?

Look to Jesus and be saved! Reject the sinful lifestyle of the world and embrace the truth of God as revealed in the Bible. Then, heed the following warning with the fear of God:

“While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11.

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