The Mystery of the seed

“Now the parable is this: the seed is the word of God”. (Luke 8:11).

Every seed bears fruit after its kind.

Then God said, “Let the earth produce plants—some to make grain for seeds and others to make fruits with seeds in them. Every seed will produce more of its kind of plant.” (Genesis 1: 11-13).

This is a divine law and cannot be changed: fruits will always produce after their kind.

Having established this natural law, we will examine a spiritual similarity between the seed and its fruits.

If we study the parable of the sower carefully, we will realize that the survival of the seeds was ultimately the condition of the soil. In this sense, the type of fruits produced by the seed is determined by the condition of the heart of man.

“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of”. (Luke 6:45)

The sower sows and goes his way while the condition of the heart of the hearer determines the survival of the seed. Whether a fruit survives or is destroyed depends on the condition of the soil, representing the heart of man.

The natural seed has to be nurtured in the right environment and also groomed. It will require water and light and also be shielded from the destructive works of the environment.

Likewise, the spiritual seed of the word of God needs the right environment to be luxuriant. A child of God for example cannot continually be in the presence of the worldly-minded and expect to grow in Christ.

God plants His own seed but Satan deploys satanic birds to feed on the seed of the word knowing the potential of that seed to grow to be a mighty oak.

So many seeds perish in the natural because they are destroyed or eaten by insects and animals. In the spiritual sense, the seed of the word of God perishes because the heart of man is not receptive and often distracted.

It is therefore important that we keep our hearts in the right condition in order to get the best from the word of God being daily sown in our hearts.

In the light of the above, It is very important to reflect on the condition of our hearts and the type of fruits we are producing.

  • Seed that fell on the path: are you making an effort to give maximum attention to the word of God or are you a casual hearer of the word? Are you only a Christian on Sunday but given to the world on other days?
  • Seed that fell on the rocky ground: we all live in a fast-paced world. However, do you make time for God in your busy schedule or do you give God time only if you have any left?
  • Seed that fell among thorns: Do you prioritize the word of God over your own personal growth and ambition or do you get distracted by worldly goals, like wealth, or status?
  • Seed that fell on the good soil: Is God’s will the highest priority in your life?

Are you bearing fruits unto repentance or bearing fruits unto dead works?

I pray that we all bear godly fruits, from a place of being firmly planted in Christ, away from the pollution of the world as God’s grace works through us to be more planted in His word.


Matthew 13: 1-23.

@aspire ministry

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