Trusting in the True Helper

My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Psalms 121:2 NIV

The only true help comes from God, not from men or self-help. However, asking God to help us would entail that we have admitted that we cannot help ourselves or go on with self-help anymore.

Asking for His help comes with an acknowledgment that without God we are doomed.

God’s help often comes majestic to those who have come to the end of themselves and then ask for divine intervention. For those who scheme and manipulate things in their favor, asking for God’s help is like asking Him to validate a stolen cheque.

God will not have anything to do with dubious self-help and the result of such things, even if they had an appearance of success, would be far from God’s touch. Such successes always come with the fruit of bitter consequences.

True and lasting help only comes from God. God is our helper, and he helps us when we ask the Holy Spirit to help us, it is no wonder he is called “Our Helper”.

God, our helper, has a master plan for everyone and everything, but most times as humans we cannot wait for God’s plan for us to be executed. Like Esau, men desire to take charge of their inheritance now, not considering God’s “slow and painstaking” methods.

However, the good news is that even when men make the wrong move toward their destiny and they see things fall apart if we come back to God acknowledging our faults God will always come to our rescue.

God our helper will always turn our troubles into divine opportunities. If you doubt this, then I challenge you to read the story of Jacob, who was dubbed the supplanter; because he craftily took the birthright that belonged to his brother, Esau.

During his journey back to Canaan, away from his past life of self-help, Jacob spent the night alone on a riverside where he encountered a man who wrestled with him until daybreak. In the end, Jacob is given the name “Israel” and blessed. (Read Genesis 32: 22-32).

His blessing arrived only after a grueling battle with God where he realized that his self-help couldn’t take him any further and that he needed God’s help to fulfill his destiny.

After this divine encounter, his destiny changed from the supplanter (Jacob) to become Israel – the one who prevailed with God.

As he limped away, after wrestling with the angel of God, weak and in need of support, the strength of God fell upon him and helped him arrive. The life of Jacob never remained the same again, after that encounter.

Beloved, are you at the end of your tunnel? do not give up, I encourage you today to ask God for His transforming help. He specializes in giving second chances, he is a forgiving and merciful God.

Acknowledge your mistake and ask Him to sort you out and then watch how his Grace will fall upon you and make your latter days more glorious.

Reading: Psalm 121

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