The Normal Christian (Part 2)

“whatsoever is born of God overcome the world: and this is the victory that overcome the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4-5).

The normal Christian life will always be at odds with the carnal life. It’s the abnormal Christian life that settles for the carnal.

Clearly, “The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other…” (Galatians 5:17).

Why does this conflict rage in the mind of the normal Christian? Because he has a born-again spirit which constantly wars with his old lifestyle of sin. The new spirit therefore cannot settle in peace with his old nature.

The more of the old nature dies in the Christian the more the new life can grow luxuriantly thereby bringing such a Christian into a supernatural plane – this is the normal Christian experience and anything less than this will keep the Christian at the level of the abnormal Christian life.

The Christians of old lived supernaturally and to abide in the natural was not a normal experience for them. A glimpse into the book of the Acts of Apostles testifies to their phenomenal lives.

The Bible says ….” the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you”. (Romans 8:7-9)

The normal Christian has the understanding that he is already programmed in the supernatural for supernatural living. He knows that his instincts for living are supernatural, sourced from the throne of divine grace.

Unlike the abnormal Christian who feeds from the nutrients of the world, he has a defined understanding that does not receive his spiritual nutrients from the world but from a higher plane where Jesus resides. Jesus is therefore his life. (John 8:23)

If he rejects this understanding then it will be difficult for him to progress onward to the supernatural plane where he belongs. He would argue that only Jesus was capable of living a sinless life and therefore the realm of victorious living belongs to Jesus alone.

However, Jesus wasn’t lying when He said greater works shall we do if we believe. Therefore perennial thoughts and imaginations that plays it safe in the natural world always hold the Christian hostage to an abnormality, making him to fall short of the supernatural thoughts and imaginations of God for his life.

For with God, nothing shall be impossible, and this defines the supernatural walk with God.

Not pursuing the supernatural and settling for the natural is the reason many Christians live a defeated life and fall short of the victorious life over sin. God is capable of bringing us to the supernatural life only if we believe and stop making excuses for our lukewarm faith.

God already decided that His thoughts for you are not of evil but of good and to bring you to an expected destination: from point, A to Z of this statement is a supernatural process of faith which guarantees spiritual safety and its never fatal- when you believe and surrender all your arguments and logical reasoning to Jesus.

Without complete obedience and a surrendered life the path to victorious living will always be slippery for the Christian.

Why must we walk in faith and trust the Lord to bring us into the supernatural walk of a normal Christian? Because by inclination, our natural thoughts and expectations are often marred by our feelings and logical inclinations which are always contrary to God’s expectations for us.

Concerning this phenomenon, God Himself testifies saying, “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts …. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine”. (Isaiah 55:8).

Like many false prophets, there are also many false thoughts that seek to lead men astray and hold them captive in the natural, thereby thwarting the supernatural experience. To attain the life of a normal Christian at a supernatural plane these thoughts must be constantly challenged in the name of Jesus until perfect victory is won.

Fear, hate, bitterness, jealousies, and all forms of thoughts of inadequacy must be challenged in the power of the Lord. Therefore the scripture’s warning not to believe every spirit should be taken seriously because their sole purpose is to hold the Christian captured in the natural plane of abnormalities.

The natural plane of course is the abnormal level of existence that ushers in fatality to our walk of faith. It is a level of abnormalities where faith is shipwrecked (1 Timothy 1:19). This was the fatal level where Demas dwelt and the result was that he was overcome by the allure of the natural thereby abandoning the pursuit of the supernatural.

Concerning Demas, the Apostle Paul said: “Demas has deserted me because he loves the things of this life and has gone to Thessalonica”.

Talking about the normal Christian experience the Bible says “whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” (1John 5:4-5).

Why did Demas fall short of this victorious life? Because he allowed his natural thoughts and inclinations to overcome his potential for the supernatural.


(1 John 2:15-17)

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