Enemies of supernatural life

So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18).

Today, we shall be concluding the third series of our seminal topic on the normal Christian.

Normal  Christianity as depicted in the New Testament church is a walk in the supernatural.

We had said that The Christians of old lived supernaturally and abiding in natural inclinations was not their usual experience.

Their Christian experience gave little room to natural weaknesses having the vital understanding that God operates above natural means and knowing that God desires them to operate in the supernatural realm if they were going to have a progressive encounter with Him, which they always had.

If we also desire a supernatural Christian experience there are steps we must begin to take now in order to avoid perennial defeats in our lives.

1. Surround yourself with those who will challenge your Christian life for good.

Anyone who desires a supernatural walk with God must surround himself with things and people that would challenge his Christian life.

He will flee from things and people whose only purpose is to obstruct his walk of faith because of their own spiritual blindness and lack of supernatural understanding.

The scripture says that “he who walks with wise men will be wise”.  (Proverbs 13:20).

When you choose to surround yourself with faith builders, such things and such people will support and encourage you on your path towards a supernatural experience with God.

Like a pandemic, the spiritually blind infect Christians who choose a progressive walk with God, always with an inclination to obstruct their progress.

They delight in spreading fear and negativity and reinforcing exaggerations about what could go wrong if one chose to embrace the path of supernatural walk towards the promise of God.

2. Launder out your thinking

To walk in the supernatural would always require a renewed mindset. It would mean dumping all the patterns of negative thoughts that cling to our minds. These thoughts serves no other purpose than to pull us back into the abyss of the natural.

That’s why the scripture warns:

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect”. (Romans 12:2).

In dealing with these patterns of unhelpful thoughts the Bible also instructs us to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5).

3. Surrender your selfish ambitions

The faith walk is about a surrendered life.

It is about acknowledging your weakness, that your strength is at best natural and limited, and that you need supernatural intervention and guidance in all your ways.

Jacob was brought to the point of surrender from a self-seeking life before he could access the divine mandate for his destiny.

It took a supernatural occurrence and an end to his natural instincts, being made to rely on the divine after his encounter with the angel of the Lord.

4. Deal with Fear

Fear is a demonstration of the natural’s unbelief in the supernatural possibilities of God.

You have heard God in the scripture saying always, “fear not”. As the storms rage in the boat, as the disciples feared, Jesus slept.


Because He knew His purpose was undergirded by the supernatural which no natural force could thwart.

We must always have this mindset as we press forward in a supernatural walk with God.

5. Walk away from every act of disobedience

Disobedience frustrates a supernatural walk with God.

Once the children of Israel who were brought up from Egypt walked in disobedience before the Lord it became a disastrous defeat occasioned by death and plagues.

Disobedience will always see us desiring the natural above a supernatural experience.

It was therefore easy for the children of Israel to desire their bondage in Egypt than to move forward to the promised land.

In fact, instead of a supernatural progression of faith in God they became trapped in the wilderness with no way of escape to the land flowing with milk and honey.

(2 Peter 1: 1-10)

@ Aspire ministry

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