God, our help for all ages.

Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God”. (Psalm 90:1–2).

“Our God, Our Help in Ages Past” is a hymn written by Isaac Watts in 1708 that reflects on Psalm 90, a Psalm of Moses. In a nutshell, this song inspired by Psalm 90 portrays God’s love as steadfast, in the face of life’s difficulties and challenges.

The nations of the world and their citizens all share in the pangs of hardship of economic woes, natural disasters, war, and threats of wars. Most people are dealing with burdens unspeakable.

In all of these, God remains our help for all ages: he is the one who has the answers to the painful mysteries of sin and suffering.

Psalm 90 details God’s protection and shelter for Israel from the vagaries of the wilderness where they were at the mercy of wild nature. Moses however knew that God’s help to Israel predates the wilderness experience, dating back to the patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Therefore God was extolled as “ Our dwelling place in all generations”.

Pain and suffering cuts across all generations and are not unique to us. The same God who offered help to Israel in the ages past is ever present to deliver you from the pangs of suffering and sin if only you will come to him in total surrender, asking him to help you solve life’s mysteries of sin and difficulties.

If God is the ancient of days and the immortal God, which he is, then he continues throughout all generations to be a refuge for the spiritually troubled and the materially challenged.

God the same yesterday, today and forever is calling the spiritually destitute to come to him for refuge. Don’t live it too late until when sin and its consequences overwhelms you, but call on Jesus today. No matter how difficult your challenges maybe, trust God that he will always make a way out for you!

Jesus lives forevermore to make intercessions for us (Romans 8:34), and he is still amplifying his invitation to all men, asking those in need of spiritual refuge, those thrown about by life’s tempest and without peace to come to him with an assurance of rest. (Matthew 11:28).

What does rest in Jesus look like? Jesus offers to as many as will receive him an intimate knowledge of his Father, to know Jesus as the only way leading to God, and to begin a personal relationship with him. The Bible therefore says great peace have those who love God’s law; nothing can make them stumble. (Psalm 119:165).

How does one remain steadfast and peaceful in the midst of a roaring world? When one’s heart is attached to worldly matters and conjectures such a life cannot know peace even with great wealth.

But when a heart is steadfastly resting in the help of God as his savior and his provider, without a devotion to sinful passion but with a single eye for God such a life will experience the blessings and sure help of God right in the midst of life’s crisis.

Brethren, the choice is yours to come to Jesus and experience that supernatural help.

Psalm 90

@aspire ministries

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