Where are you?

What are you doing here, Elijah?” (1Kg. 19:13)

A man of God once said: “We must stay in the place where we always hear the voice of God, from where he sends us messages that brings life, power, and victory”.

The question then is: “Are we in a place where we are hearing the voice of God or the voice of the enemy? Are we in a place where we hear the truth of God that gives light to our soul or a place where we hear the voices of defeat, powerlessness, and spiritual death?

The truth is that many are in a place where they are constantly being fed with the lies of the enemy and hence they begin to wonder if God still abides faithful to bail them out of their difficult situation.

When Elijah left the place of power driven by an agent of fear he was apparently not anywhere close to where God expected him to be. (1 King 19:13).

When God called out to Adam to confirm his spiritual location he had fallen from glory to sin having been seduced by Satan. (Gen.3:9).

When God told the children of Israel that they had stayed too long on Mount Horeb they were actually behind God’s timetable for their lives due to disobedience. (Deut. 1.6).

Beloved, you cannot enjoy the full measure of the victory of resurrection in the place of bondage to sin and wrong doctrine: such places can only bring doubts, fear, and eventual defeat for a Christian. And little wonder some Christians have lost their testimonies and given up themselves to empty rituals called religion.

This is why it is important for a Christian to daily check his place in Jesus and to examine if he is sliding away from the truth or abiding in it. This daily exercise can sometimes mean the difference between victory and defeat in the life of a believer.

The amount of access to the light and power of Jesus by a Christian is determined by his proximity or distance from His truth. You cannot live in error, disobedience, and sin and expect to exude the power of God which translates to an assurance of victory.

Clearly, you cannot exercise faith for victorious living if you are poles apart from the truth of God. The scripture admonishes the backsliding Christian to “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded”. (James 4:7).

Similarly, to enjoy God’s faithfulness in our lives we must be where God expects us to be in Jesus: not outside of His will for our lives. This is a non-negotiable condition for a victorious life.

To this end, God himself clearly says: “Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity”. (Jeremiah 29:12-14).

Therefore, the question to ask ourselves is whether we are where God desires us to be and it will have to be a question for us individually.

Where are you in Christ Jesus?

James 4:7-10.

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