The Only Rock and the Salvation

“The Lord alone led him; no foreign god was with him” (Deuteronomy 32:12)

The pressures of life are real but they are not to drive us to the hand of Satan for a solution nor are they to weaken our faith to think that God has no solutions to our live’s problems.

Apostle Paul admits the reality of pressure when he writes to the church of Corinth; “We are hard pressed on every side…” II Cor. 4:8.

But one thing he never told them was to give up on God and seek alternative solutions to their problems. He encouraged them to hold on to God and that’s what this text will attempt to do today.

One thing to have in mind as we run the race of life is that we must constantly maintain that God is the only source of success and that anything else outside of God is but a fleeting shadow that will not last.

Psalm 62 puts it best saying “God Only is my rock and salvation”. The key word here is Only.

The Psalmist further says “My soul waits only upon God for my expectation is from him”. To the Psalmist, regardless of the pressure and temptation, he has decided to put his faith in God alone while casting his eyes away from alternative solutions to solving his problems.

To the Psalmist, his hustle and pursuit of what this life could offer begins and ends with God. He would not entertain any other strange doctrine that would only lead to the entrapment of his soul but would wait on God no matter the outcome. He is a man sold on God and freed from the expectations of men.

Why is he able to hold out even when it seems all his associates were getting by and he felt left behind in a society that weighs more on the maddening rush for material success? Because he had the deep revelation that all power and true success comes from God and only from God comes true glory.

He understood that every other source of glory and success are earthly, vain, and an entrapment by the enemy – the devil. This lack of deep understanding constantly drives desperate men to find succor in the depths of darkness leading to the destruction of their lives.

The Psalmist was able to conclude that poverty will not move him to serve the devil neither will the enticement of riches cause him to abandon the ways of the Lord.

To him, men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie – only God is the true definition of what is really true and nothing else. (Psalm 62:8). He has tamed his heart not to define God in lack or in abundance. All that mattered to him above gold was to be at peace with God.

He understood that if a man was in need doesn’t mean that God had abandoned him or that if a man was in abundance doesn’t mean that God’s presence was with him more than with others. What God cares about is His will in the lives of men.

The Psalmist’s life best articulates the powerful truth that all power belongs to God and he is therefore alone able to give what is best for a man and anything His power cannot deliver to a man who walks uprightly was not God’s will for him. A genuine child of God is able to decipher this situation and accepts his lot in God alone.

Regardless of the unlawful temptation to go after these things, he would rather choose to suffer their loss than to wrong his Lord.

Lastly, the Psalmist would not cross his divine boundaries to acquire what he hasn’t secured in God legitimately through his honest labor or at the altar of prayers, because he knows God is building for him a legacy of faith that cannot afford to be tainted by the gift of Satan.

What legacy are you building for yourself and your children?


Psalm 62

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