Aspire Today

Faith: Step by step, Day by day.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”. (Matthew 6:34).

If we have to overcome the vicissitudes of life we must be acquainted with how to live a life of faith on day to day basis.

Why do we need to live out our faith day by day and not hoping to win a sweeping victory across days, months, or years. Because life is a journey that comes with unexpected trials and crookedness.

In life, nothing is given or guaranteed but the mercies of God, and faith is a key component of accessing God’s mercies and grace especially when the journey gets tough.

If there is any reason to master the art of day-by-day faith in God it’s because nothing in this life is permanent: life is full of highs and lows, the good days may not always be forever and the bad days will not last forever- this is part of the vicissitudes of this present life.

In other words, victories and defeats are inevitable but the one who has mastered the art of day-by-day faith shall not be defeated by trials because he knows that only the presence of God really does matter whether he is on the mountain top of victory or the low valleys of defeat.

The one who acknowledges the presence of God in his daily life enjoys the peace that passes all human understanding because he knows that his shield of faith must be worn on a daily basis if he wants to overcome complacency or discouragement.

Complacency in good times and discouragement in bad times are both enemies of faith- complacency in good times shows how far our heart has drifted away from God while discouragement during trials shows how far our heart has clung to the things of this world above Christ. They both serve as a thermometer for the condition of our heart in Christ.

For those caught in the web of discouragement during trials, the scripture says:

“If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. In modern phrases it can also mean If you fail under pressure, your strength is too small, or If you fall to pieces in a crisis, there wasn’t much to you in the first place. (Proverbs 24:10).

And how do people come to this spiritual state of mind? Because their faith had been depleted by complacency in good times. They had put their hope in uncertain things while neglecting the Lord.

To the complacent, the Bible warns:

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment”. (1 Timothy 6:17).

To avoid the pitfalls of both discouragement and complacency, the Lord Jesus wants our hearts in good times or bad times. He wants to walk with us on day by day basis in prayer and in reading his word and in faith. He is the Way and the Truth and he is therefore able to help us navigate the world and its uncertainties.

When we trust Him for our daily lives and provision and protection our heart is able to quickly rise up from the ground of depression to confront challenges without grumbling.

Such a heart is therefore able to rejoice in all situations while giving thanks, in good times or bad times knowing that above all, it’s only Jesus Christ that matters.


Matthew 6: 19-34

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