The Danger of Presumption

Presumption could be defined as overstepping due bounds. In a more useful context for our study, presumption could also be defined as a sin against hope, by extension it is a sin against God’s grace.

Whenever we focus on their resources in the face of growing crises we would often become fearful or impatient and thereby fall victim to presumptive initiatives leading to great losses.

Saul serves as a classic example. He lost a kingdom to a presumptive action because he did not focus on the capacity of God to help him. He therefore became impatient and helped himself.

He focused on his limited resources in the face of a mounting pressure, took the law into his own hands by taking on the duty of a priest even though he was a king- a flagrant disobedience to God’s law. (1 Sam 13:5-14).

The more we focus on our resources the more we realize how inadequate they are and the more we give-in to panic and impatience.

If we want a sure way out of a growing crisis we must curb our natural instincts to focus on our limited resources and trust God to come through for us with His unlimited resources. He never comes late.

Prophet Micah knows this too well when he said

“ Therefore, I will look to the Lord. I will wait for the God of my salvation, my God will hear me”.

Micah 7:7

Learn to wait and trust God.

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