The “If” and the Promises of God

Though God’s love for his children is unconditional, God is sovereign and not obligated to keep specific promises if we don’t meet the conditions first. The need for salvation, for example, is clearly stated in Romans 10:9 that if we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and we believe that God raised Him from the dead, then we will be saved.

The conditions for perpetuating the throne of David through Solomon and of course Israel’s continual greatness were premised on certain Ifs God revealed to King Solomon in I Kg 9:4-9. Unfortunately Solomon and the nation of Israel failed the test of these “ifs.

Jesus the all powerful son of God lived his life on earth as an example to all believers and was careful to walk in obedience to obtain salvation for all men.

Jesus was ready to fulfill the “if” as an example for us and also for our eternal benefit. Having obeyed all that God sent him to do he was raised from the dead and received into heaven thereby opening the door of eternal salvation to many who were trapped in sin.

Jesus speaks of the result of this conditional obedience in John 12:32 thus: “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” Having met all His ifs through prefect obedience he was raised from the dead and gloried as the Lord.

Therefore before we blame ourselves or circumstances as responsible for any untoward situation in our lives we should ask ourselves if we are neglecting to fulfill our own side of the conditional promises of God.(Deuteronomy 5:33)

What steps do we need to fulfill our own If? We must desire to press into God’s promises through a life of obedience and faith.

The Bible says without faith no one can please the Lord. Therefore faith and obedience are the necessary conditions we need to obtain the conditional blessings of God in our lives.

The question is are we ready and willing to pay the price set for conditional promises to lift ourselves and please the Lord like Jesus did?

The promises of God are ever present but it will require that we pay the price and fulfill the “if” of faith and obedience.

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