
“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you”.

Colossians 3:13

One of the most difficult things to do is to forgive others when they hurt us. Unforgiveness is a strong negative emotion that holds on to a grudge, and an enabler of self righteousness as opposed to Christ righteousness.

In this regard we only feel justified and satisfied when a person who has wronged us suffers a kind of retribution or tribulation. Unforgiveness believes that justice must be meted out to those who hurt us while many go as far as personally meting out the punishment on the offender before they can be pacified.

To be sure forgiveness is not about being passive in the face of injustice or approving wrong actions against us , it requires speaking out but letting go of hurtful feelings and not holding on to negative emotions.

This negative emotion is so powerful that it can hinder the prayer of the person who harbors them. In Matthew 5:24 we read the need to make reconciliation before sacrifice is offered to God at the altar of prayer.

One of the most powerful messages of Jesus Christ is forgiveness. He forgave our sins by His death on the cross and we are also called to extend forgiveness to those who hurts us as well.

Why is forgiveness so difficult for many? Unforgiveness in a Christian becomes difficult as long as he or she is yet to to die to self.

We are saved to die to our old ways of thinking and living and to become a new person (2 Corinthians 5:17). This begins to happen as we allow the Holy Spirit to guide and lead us into the experience of our newness.

Allowing the Holy Spirit and not resisting His leading and teaching is the only way for the Christian to overcome the negative power of unforgiveness.

A Christian has been called to die to “self” by denying the works of the flesh and to be in continual agreement with the agreement with the Holy Spirit.

When we give our life to Jesus, the distinction from the world is that that sinful self is crucified with Christ, so that we are set free from self destructive desires. (Romans 6:6-7).

We must cultivate the leading of the Holy Spirit to be our teacher and leader . We must stop using the power of the flesh to save ourselves or justify wrongs or the type of actions that must served on the wrong doer.

God is calling all his children to forgiveness. The Bible instructs us to “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4:31-32).


Roman Chapter 7

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