Living Intentionally in the Last Days

The message has never been so relevant than now when the last days has so many unanswered questions and so many distracting events as well so many careless living.

The signs predicted to signal the events of the last days have never been so intense: we are presently surrounded by emergencies on daily basis-famines, earthquakes, disasters, troubles, persecutions, wars and rumors of wars (Mark 13:7-9).

Going further than these physical events Jesus warns about the distractions that would attend to the last days saying “ For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will mislead many people.” (Matthew 24:5).

Some of these “ many” referred to by Jesus are already with us in the nature of fake Pastors and their misleading doctrines, life coaches and experts who try to provide answers to many posers, and while designing diverse doctrines to explain the many challenges of life.

Clearly most of these doctrines are out of sync with what God intends for our lives and how we ought to live our lives- especially in the last days. They lay out well scripted doctrines but exclude the power of godliness from the core of their messages.

They justify weaknesses and would not acknowledge the power of God over our weaknesses because they do not know Jesus not his power to save humanity.

The Bible classifies these set of people as acting religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly, and then warns us to stay away from people like that! (2 Timothy 3:5).

How do we live intentionally in these last days? It is about being vigilant, and how do we cultivate vigilance?

It’s about having a conscious and active understanding of the last days itself from God’s views, being aware of its many evils, seeking God for true wisdom, and then taking a stand for what we have come to know and believe about God and how God He wants us to live our lives.

In summary, living intentionally for God in the last days it’s about knowing what God is saying by yourself, for yourself and taking leadership of your life in God based on what you keep knowing about Him, rather than living on auto-pilot and giving heed to a thousand distractions and doctrines.

It is about deliberately pursuing a life that honors those beliefs.

So each and everyone of us must ask ourselves about our God given personal doctrine to overcome the many distractions of this age. But the question is are we truly asking God to give us the knowledge and revelation to navigate the dangers of these events?

God will give us the equipment we need to successfully navigate the dangerous corners of the end-end time if we consecrate our lives to seek his wisdom.

In Ephesians 1:17 we read : “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.”

There is no more urgent moment than to seek God for his wisdom, knowledge and revelation than now!


2 Timothy 3:1-5; 1-17

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