Walking in Victory!

“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith”. 1 John 5:4

Faith is the greatest thing God bequeathed to His children. You can only go far with God as long as your faith can go. When you dare to believe His word you will be amazed at what He can do with your life.

Many things seem impossible for us because we are not waging our war with the secured victory of faith but with the arm of the flesh- the Bible says “for by strength shall no man prevail”. 1 Samuel 2:9.

We may never taste the victory that God has designed for us until we come to the consciousness of a higher order than the natural order- the faith that overcomes the natural order of the world in which we dwell in this flesh.

The was the order that enabled the aging flesh of Abraham and Sarah to conceive and bear Isaac in their old age.

Faith is always in contradiction to realities before it produces fact. If Abraham and Sarah had looked upon their circumstances they wouldn’t have had the persevering faith to birth their fact in Isaac.

In fact faith seems strongest within us when we are weak and not when our flesh is strong or when our circumstances seem secured. The Bible says let the weak say I am strong (Joel 3:10) and in 2 Corinthians 12:10 Apostle says “For when I am weak, then I am strong”.

Faith births an inward revelation to only the one who believes from his heart; in a sacred place in his heart where none but both himself and God commune.

The Bible says with the heart a man believes and with the mouth he makes his confession into salvation or breakthrough.

Confession here is not going about talking about what God has told you to all and sundry who are always ready to dampen and kill your faith. If Abraham had told Sarah what God told him about sacrificing Isaac the divine plan would have been dead as soon as he uttered it to her.

Faith is a process. Therefore our confession must align with what we believe which is based on the word of God and not guided by what we feel, for when it’s guided by feelings it can destroy much good and the fruits of faith growing in our lives.

Feelings must be put into a proper perspective when exercising faith because a confrontation with Satan cannot be avoided. Satan is the master of feelings and thoughts all with the objective of beclouding our spiritual perspectives.

The more satan reminded Abraham of his weakness the Bible says the more he rejoiced in the Lord giving thanks.

Romans 4:19-20 says “Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead, since he was about a hundred years old and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God.

Always remember, faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence or assurance of things not yet seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

God told Abraham He has made him a father of many nations when he had no son. The principle of faith stays strong in weakness because it does not wait for feelings knowing that just as his salvation did not produce a feeling but an inward transformation so does his circumstances undergo a change until it produces fact and then a testimony.

Right in the house of Abraham was the seed of the flesh, Ishmael and the seed of faith, Isaac. What does this tell us?

We find that there was a continual strive between the seed of the flesh and the seed of faith- for Ishmael was teasing Isaac, and it is not any different even now for the one who has settled for nothing less but God in his encounter with those who have settled for the flesh or for half measure.

But we thank God that Abraham listened to God and had Ishmael driven out- so that the seed of promise may grow and become what God says he would be.

For us who have come to believe, even like Abraham the father of faith, there will always be strive in our hearts between the flesh and our faith but not until the flesh is destroyed and cast out would the seed of promise by faith control and rule out heart with authority- this is the faith that overcomes the world.

It is the faith of promise that translates faith into fact


Romans 4:13-21




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