Lessons in Troubles and Successes

Ultimately, God wants to use our life experiences to make us stronger and useful spiritually. That is his primary objective when we choose to walk with him.

He can use set backs to teach us a lesson in humility or on how to depend on Him alone or he can use prosperity to reveal the pride and selfishness of our hearts to us. He can also use prosperity to his own glory through us.

Someone said, we may wrongly assume our life pleases God, and that we are in his perfect will when life is going well and we may also wrongly assume we are out of the will of God, or maybe there is a hidden sin in our life when the going gets hard with us.

However not all adversity is a curse and not all prosperity is a blessing. Any adversity that will not make our walk stronger with God is a wasted opportunity and any prosperity that will take us away from God is a curse.

Most importantly, we should ask God to help us convert our troubles to spiritual strength and our prosperity to opportunities to serve him better.

Perhaps no other person in the Bible suffered more than Job. His good fortune, family and health became rubbles in a series of adversities sponsored by Satan- of course with God’s permission. Through it all Job questioned God but was never disobedient and would go on to submit himself to the will of God.

“At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said: “Naked I come from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” (Job 1:20-21)

In our own world, the pandemic has been an instrument of hardship for many nations and many people. However in the midst of these downturn God wants us to look up to him as never before. It is an opportunity for growing with God and not for despondency and loss of faith.

God is about to do a new thing in our lives even though we must pass through a phase of testing and hardship.

Talking about His children God says: “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all”. (Psalm 34:19).

God’s school of education is not to break us but to mould us into a people after his heart and for His glory.

After Job graduated from God’s schooling the Bible says : “the LORD blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning..” Job 42:12

Beloved, there is a purpose and there is a end to God’s schooling, if we don’t Give up on God.


Jeremiah 24: 2-10

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