A God for All Seasons

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away”. (Matthew 24:35)

Naturally, men cannot accurately evaluate the awesome power of God especially when they are dealing with a protracted conflict or challenge.

The deeper the challenge the more they tend to conclude that the power of God is unable to deliver the much needed help and an escape from their pressing problem.

This is the moment where the temptation for alternative plans away from God become so much attractive in a bid to quickly obtain deliverance.

This natural inclination to escape pressure without waiting on God’s promise comes from the depths of our emotions where we become easily moved by what we see and feel. (2 Corinthians 4:18).

Now, emotions are not necessarily bad in themselves but the truth is that emotions are not reliable when it comes to accessing the power of faith in God’s word.

When our estimation of the divine become driven by feelings, we will continue to see God’s promises as unreliable; our approach to the word of God will be lethargic while we estimate his word as unreliable for all seasons of our lives.

However, the truth is that while it is human to go through the vicissitudes of life it doesn’t necessarily have to affect our estimation of the power of God to save or deliver when we have the right understanding of God’s perspective.

We get it wrong when we go around with the assumption that Christianity is an automatic antidote against tough times. If this is our understanding we will instantly cling to any available option in our quest to avoid the realities life may bring our way.

Even though such realities of life are real and crushing they do not in any way take away from the power of God to deliver.

In Isaiah 43:2 God confirms himself as a God for all seasons saying, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze”.

While David was facing his life’s challenges in caves and as a fugitive running away from the murderous Saul he focused his thoughts and prayers on the promises of God knowing that his challenges do not define his future as revealed by the word of God.

When Jacob fled from Laban his attention to God’s promises concerning his future became more powerful until he experienced a divine encounter transforming his destiny from Jacob to Israel.

These men were able to make God their anchor in troubled times because they had the right perspective of God, not a one season wonder but a God for all times and seasons.

While Jesus faced the dreary inevitable death on the cross the Bible says he looked at the rewards (God’s promises) and it sustained him under severe pressure on the cross.

When Paul went through his own odyssey he also knew that the word of God was more real than the external pressure of life and he quickly focused his attention on the invisible power of God which controls the visible side of things.

He knew that beyond his pain was an undercurrent of God’s power untouched by the vicissitudes of life.

Beloved, life may be tough and full of uncertainties but the word of God is more reliable than life itself and should be trusted at all cost.

Only believe and keep your focus on the unfailing word of God and you will experience an end to the vicissitudes that only the power in the word of God can accomplish!


2 Corinthians 4: 3-




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