The Judge and Promise Keeper

Remember that the lord your God corrects and a father disciplines his children”.Deuteronomy8:5.

God is a holy God who cannot tolerate sin. God gave the children of Israel an  instruction that reflects His nature:

You shall be holy to me, for I the Lord am holy”. Leviticus 20:26

Again, in 1 Peter 1:15, we see God as a holy God who wants his children to share in His holy attributes, saying, “

But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct”.

As God reveals his holy character and expectation, He is also a Father who is abundant in faithfulness. God is a promise keeper:

The Lord is faithful to All His promises and loving toward all He has made” (Psalm 145:13).

From this foreground we can conveniently establish that God loves holiness, He wants us to be holy, and also keeps his promises to His children.

Those who genuinely walk with God will experience His judgment and his faithfulness. Because God is holy he must judge sin in our lives and because he is faithful He will keep His promises to us.

Like every responsible father, God uses punishment and rewards to keep us in line.

Therefore when we step out of line and God disciplines us should we be fearful of His promise failing in our lives? Should we be depressed and allow a feeling of worthlessness to overcome us? No!

All we need to do is to acknowledge our faults, repent of them and seek to be restored to God in forgiveness.

Like David did when he fell into sin, we should ask the Holy Spirit for restoration and ask for His help to move forward.  Psalm 51:12

The scripture admonishes not to loathe the chastening of the Lord because whoever the lord castigates is a son whom he loves- just like a loving father would do.

When the lord corrects you, my son pay close attention and take it as a warning. The Lord corrects a child of whom they are proud. Proverb 3:11-12

God is always ready to restore us to the joy of salvation and ever willing to bless us if we come forward with a repentant heart.


Psalms 51.

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