Key Steps to Securing Your Divine Inheritance.

“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”. (Luke 12:32).

What is a divine inheritance? We should understand that God hasn’t called us to merely exist but to a higher relationship of inheritance where we are called to inherit everything God the Father has promised us.

What are the steps to securing this divine heritage?

  1. There has to be a divine revelation:

God’s revelation to Abraham preceded all His dealings with God. This involves the disclosure of guidance from God which grounds the receiver in certainty about God’s intended action or a decision concerning the life of the one who receives the information. The good news is that the information is available to all who would dig into the word of God enshrined in the Bible.

  1. Divine instruction:

After the revelation was an instruction to Abraham asking Him to leave the familiar, for a walk of faith into the unknown.

  1. The promise:

God does not lead His children blindly. The instruction to Abraham was built on a divine promise to go to a land that the Lord his God would give him. Here, God does not instruct without a promise of abundance ahead.

  1. Opposition:

Why is the instruction important to the one who received it? It is important because divine information comes with satanic opposition and even testing. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. Hence, when the dry seasons of opposition arrive it is the instruction or the word of faith that would sustain the receiver. It is therefore important that the receiver connects to the word of faith on which the instruction is hewed.

  1. Divine covenant:

Underpinning all these is a divine covenant that holds the instruction securely in a relationship. This is an agreement between God who made the promise and man, who received the promise on a divine term and agreement via which the promise shall be fulfilled.

When all these stages have served the man there can’t but be a massive divine outpouring of blessings which is a divine manifestation of the promise. Why? Because God is a covenant-keeping God who will always fulfill His promise to those who are committed to trust and obey Him.

However, each of these steps or experiences has its divine timing in God’s calendar. Even if delayed or opposed it will surely manifest as determined by God.

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end, it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry”. Habakkuk 2:3-4.

What role can the receiver play should there be a delay in the divine manifestation? Prayer! The timing of any divine promise should be activated by prayer to the point where God would say “ I have heard their groaning and I am coming down to deliver them”. Exodus 3:7-8.

In the case of opposition or delay, God never fails in his rescue plan of securing a divine inheritance for all who will call on Him.


Genesis 12:1-9

@aspire ministry

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