God, an incurable lover of souls!

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him”. (John 3:16-17).

No phrase in the Bible probably demonstrates the deep love of God for mankind than the opening of John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, Jesus Christ to save from perdition those who believe in his message of love.

Man was always in trouble right from the damning deception of Satan in the Garden of Eden, but God in his infinite love was always going to save man.

God had a plan and at the heart of that plan was love. Jesus Christ is the expression of that love in the message of redemption.

To this end John 4:16 tells us that God loves us regardless of who we are, therefore encouraging us to put our trust in his love.

Whenever men respond to the love of God in Jesus, there will always be an abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in such men and of course, we know that the Holy Spirit draws men into a deeper relationship of love with God the Father.

Why must all men respond to this love of God in Jesus? Because God’s love gives and gives unconditionally without measure. When we are filled with the love of God there is no limit to how far we can go with God.

God’s love differs from the love of men because it is motivated by a divine desire driven by a selfless spirit- the express image of love was Jesus who was reconciling the world to his Father and as we receive him we also reflect the undiluted love of God to proclaim this love to the world without reservations.

The world is in turmoil today because of the selfish nature of men to grab and take with little consideration to give without a selfish reason.

If we are going to delay the eventual derailment of this present world many more will have to receive the love of God into their hearts so they can go out to save as many as possible from the final judgment on those who reject the invitation to divine love.

One thing is clear, God loves you unconditionally, even if you don’t feel he does. God knows you even if you don’t know him personally, he is only waiting patiently for you to accept his love into your heart since he won’t force any man.

God’s gift that is waiting for your acceptance is his love for you and it’s more valuable than anything money can buy.

His love opens up the door of eternal life and this love isn’t waiting to condemn you but to encourage you to confess and forsake your sins. Just as he said to recalcitrant Israel, God is also telling you today that “ I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness”. (Jeremiah 31:3).

Don’t accept the negative voice of the enemy that you are not good enough to accept God’s love into your heart but yield to the voice of love saying that you are worthy of God’s love which is the secret to your divine identity and power as a child of God.

Take God at his word today and yield your heart to his love by an act of simple faith- asking the Lord Jesus to take permanent residence in your heart.

He is waiting to turn your mess into a message and your fears into boldness – that is what his love does as you receive him into your heart.


1 John 4:7-21

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