Understanding God’s Limitless Grace

Circumstances do not limit God’s grace. His grace shines even more in difficult situations, and no one needs to tell us that we are presently living in one of the most challenging times the world has ever seen.

But here is the good news. Regardless of the fear and confusion that grips the world, God will use anyone honest and open to follow Him to achieve great purposes. The book of Ruth shows us what God’s abiding grace can do amid the most challenging crises.

A great crisis in her time notwithstanding, Naomi stayed committed to God. Her life radiated so much faith and goodness that Ruth, her daughter-in-law, could not but be powerfully drawn to her.

In the succeeding years, Ruth found destiny when she married Boaz and became an ancestor in the line of Jesus. Even amid disaster, God is always at work in the world.

No matter how discouraging things may seem around us there will always be people who will follow God because they know that his grace shines even brighter in the midnight of lives’ crises.

Same grace that used Naomi and found Ruth is still actively at work. In the midst of these challenging times, get acquainted with the story of Naomi and Ruth in the Bible and draw strength.

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