Only the Holy Spirit Guarantees Divine Destiny

So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

Galatians 5:16

Joash was a young child kept from destruction to fulfill destiny. He was the eighth king of Judah, and the sole surviving son of King Ahaziah after the massacre of the royal family ordered by his grandmother, Athaliah.

Under the mentoring of a faithful priest Jehoiada, Joash found destiny very early began his reign at the tender age of 7 years.

Empowered by the holy instructions of Jehoiada young King Joash started strong and began to revive the worship of Jehovah which had long been neglected by the people.

Now as long as his teacher Jehoiada lived Joash continued to purge the land from sin and idolatry and with a single eye for God.As soon as his mentor died Joash motivation to serve God also died.

Few lessons can be taken away from his regrettable descent from godliness to idolatry:

Walking with God requires endurance: as soon as Jehoiada died the thirst for God also died in Joash and he began to backslide until he became an idol worshipper.

God’s counsel will always result in good output.The more of the word of God we take in the more our life is shaped after His will and purposes.

Without the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit we cannot abide long in divine destiny. For in the absence of godly men to help shape our lives we may falter. The Bible says this much in Galatians 5:16: “ Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh”

Our life’s purpose can only be guaranteed as long as we carefully walk in the word of God. Joash descended into evil and was ultimately killed by evil men.

Life has no vacuum: when we stop meditating on the word of God we will start meditating on the things of the world and gradually evil outputs will begin to define our lives.

Check your motive for serving God. Are you serving him to please men or pastors or to please God?

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